Monday, June 13, 2011

The Six- Star Test to see if someone is a True Friend

Does she really care about you? Is he/she loyal? Is he just pretending to like you? Sometimes it can be hard hard to sift out out those who pretend to be our friends from true friends.
The Six- Star Test to see if she's a true friend....
● Interest....
One important criterion that defines a friend is how interested the person is in your life. Tell her/him about something significant that is going on in your life and see if he/she calls to follow up and find out what happened. If he/she doesn't, then call her/him and see if he/she mentions it. Finally, if she doesn't bring it up, hint about it and see if she even remember the conversation you had about it previously.....

● Loyalty....
Tell a secret about mutual friend and see if it gets back to him or her. True friends know the value of trust in a relationship. Just make sure that you get the permission of your friend to tell her/ him secret to this other person.....

● Pride....
Anyone can tell you to cheer up. It makes them feel good. But see who pats you on the back for a good job. Those who are not driven by jelousy and envy will do just that. Your true friends are proud of your accomplishments, not jelous of your successes. See if a friend comes to you when you get good news, not just bad news. ....

● Honesty....
A true friend is someone who tells you the things that you don't want to hear. She is willing to have you be upset with her if it will help you. Does she tell you things that are for your benefit even though she knows that it might make you upset with her?....

● Respect....
Tell her that there is something exciting. Something that is good, going on in your life but you absolutely prefer no talk about it right now and see if she presses you on it. There's a difference between curiosity and concern. If he/she must know then she's just interested in the gossip and not in you. A good friend will respect in your wishes and give you your space for now. He/she may bring it up from time to time, because she's interested, but she won't constantly and immediately press you on it if you make it clear that you choose not to discuss it now.....

● Sacrifice....
Is she willing to give up something if it means making you happy? Will he/she sacrifice her own pleasure for your happiness? Who decides what you do? Is the word compromise in her vocabulary? And when the chips are down and it's you against them, most people scramble to protect their own interest. ....

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It's best to gauge the relationship using these six over a period of time and not just a twenty four- hour period. But depending on what strategy your using on it.....
From the book....
GET ANYONE TO DO ANYTHING "The Six-Star Test to See if Someone is a True Frend" ....
by:David J. Lieberman, PH.D.....
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One of my favorite topic on this book entitled "GET ANYONE TO DO ANYTHING"

1 comment:

  1. Amazing post Rish! You are one of my greatest friends ever!
